Que pasa todo el mundo?

My first week home has been swell so far. I'm getting more comfortable being in my crate now. With Matt being home most of the day and Jennifer keeping me busy in the evening it doesn't leave me a lot of time to get into mischief, which is kind of a bummer. Sometimes I like to sneak off when they're looking the other way and leave them little gifts, if you know what I mean. Hey, you gotta keep 'em honest, right? Also, to all those other puppies out there; if you're not getting enough attention go for their feet and don't let go until they pick you up and hold you close. Okay gotta go. I'm back off to my crate so Matt can work on his Philosophy mid-term.
Love, Charley D.
Little gifts are the best, Charley dog!! My friend Caddy the dog left a little gift on my parent's floor yesterday...and then ate it! It was awesome!! hehe!!
Love, your cousin Jak the dog
3:50 PM
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