Thursday, September 07, 2006

70lbs. of Love

That's right, I'm not ashamed to admit it. So what if I am only 9 months old and weigh 70 big ones. It's a healthy 70 pounds. I'm just big boned, honest. Stop staring.
Apparently I've got another 9 months of growing so watch out
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Blogger Caroline said...

Hi cousin Charley,

Seventy pounds, huh?? You are getting pretty big! I thought I had grown a lot until I saw you. I put some pictures that display my growth over the past year on my blog. Check it out!

Love ya,
Jak the dog

3:41 PM

Blogger Diana said...

Oh yeah - another 9 months - I heard a Lab is a "puppy" for 3 years!

6:25 AM

Blogger Sara said...

My Hana (yellow lab) was just greeted by a new human coworker with the words, "oh my goodness, what a cute puppy -- what is she, about two?"

She'll be five on December 15th.

She is still, at nearly five years old, 100% puppy.

11:23 AM

Blogger Sara said...

Hey, beautiful girl! Thank you, and your mom and dad for coming to visit this weekend... you were such a good girl, and we'll find a time for a play date soon!


11:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! You are huge! What do your people feed you? I need to put on 60 pounds or so. Remember size isn't everything though, I'm still the BIG DOG in the family!!! Love you,
Elsie Dog

7:26 AM


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