Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm 7!

I turned seven yesterday. Jennifer and Matt kept saying "happy first birthday blah blah blah" but I am not one; I am seven! I am a dog so any reasonable observer would understand that I am indeed seven, not one. And since I am seven, why didn't they celebrate my first six birthdays? Why is seven so important? I want the first six parties I missed!
Despite the missing first six birthdays, my seventh birthday was very good. I got lots of treats and these lovely presents. My jacket is a rain jacket and it has lights! It is very very dark and rainy here in Olympia so I am excited. I am also excited to celebrate seven birthdays in the the next year, hear that Jennifer and Matt? Seven!


Blogger Diana said...

Happy Birthday - I guess I shoulda sent you 7 presents! Maybe next year you'll get 14.

6:29 AM

Blogger Caroline said...

Happy birthday Charley!!

I am so glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday...and I must say that I LOVE your new rainjacket! So pretty! I look forward to celebrating with you in a couple weeks at Three Tree...I hope it isn't so cold that we can't play on the beach a bunch. :) Oh, my mom arrived home yesterday with a HUGE bag from PetSmart...presents! Yeah! I'm sure there is one for you!!

Jak the dog

8:56 AM


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