Thursday, August 24, 2006
Summer Fun
Que Pasa Los Perros y Los Gatos. I hope everybody is enjoying their summer, I sure am. My schedule is as follows: Wake up Matt or Jennifer as early as possible; eat breakfast; go for a walk; take my morning nap; trip to park and play Frisbee or Soccer; take my afternoon nap; wait at the garage door for Jennifer to come home; evening walk and twilight fetchin'; go to bed.
Yeah my days are quite eventful and with Matt home all day until late Sept. I can't get a moment of private Charley time. Heading to Cannon Beach next week for a couple of days to break up the monotony which will be nice. Try and get some decent photos for y'all next week.

Friday, August 11, 2006
Frisbee Queen

Sorry I’ve been away so long, but catching Frisbees is a lot of work and if I expect to get better I must put in the time at the park. Yeah I know what your thinking, what a rough life. Long hours spent at the park, spending time at the beach perfecting my breaststroke, and afternoon naps to prepare for twilight fetching.
Word on the street is that we’re staying in Oly for at least another year. I’m a little bummed because I’ve heard so many good things about the north end. Missing “Shake the Shack” every Friday is beginning to take its toll as well. I’ll hang in there though. As long as I get fed twice a day with the occasional treat in between I reckon I’ll find a way to get by.