Friday, June 30, 2006

Aaaah Yeah

Today's the day folks. I, CharleyDog am permitted to return to one of my favorite spots THE WATER or as my friends down south say "el agua". It's been a long couple of weeks and now the day has come. I don't care who takes me but somebody had better get here ASAP and take me to the beach. I'm completely healed from the operation so chop-chop lets go. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Two weeks with no swimming make Charley go crazy!

Matt and Jennifer went to the beach last weekend and all I got was this lousy fish toy. They left me here Sunday and when they came back they stunk of sand and saltwater. I bet they went to Three Tree, my favorite beach. I'm pretty sure they were playing with other dogs too. I picked up faint smells of Rat Terrier and some sort of St. Bernard/Border Collie mix. I have quite the sniffer, I know what they're up to.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Came back home this past Sat. from spending the night at the vet. I don't know what happened, but when I woke up I was light-headed and somebody shaved my belly. I must say I'm a bit concerned when I go to sleep now for fear of another senseless shaving act. I need to figure out what I should with this bald area. Should I grow one side long and comb it over, or shave the rest off and keep it short like Matt does?
All I know is I can't play ball 'till Fri. and I'm not allowed to go swimming for another week. Bogus! Since I have so much pent up energy I need to find other things to occupy my time. Things like jumping up on the bed this morning and pawing at the door every five minutes even though I just got back from a walk. I reckon they asked for it though. To assume they can drop me off overnight, drug me, and shave my belly without any repercussions is quite naive.
Talk atcha later

Friday, June 16, 2006

I Miss My Doggy

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dirty Doggy

I wish Olympia had good open spaces for doggies to roam free. Oly Blows! I can't wait to move to Seattle later this summer. I miss "Shake the Shack". I want to go to off leash parks at Woodlawn and Magnusson. I want to go swimming in Lake Washington. I've said it once and I'll say it again, Get Me Outta Oly!!


Thanks again to cousin JakDog for letting me come visit this weekend. As you can see little J.D. is really fast so I needed a quick break during this chase session. Shout outs to Caddydog too. I hope you're recovering well from your surgery. Sorry we didn't get to hang out much on Saturday. One minute we're sniffing each other's behind and the next your Mom and Dad are taking you home. I overheard it was precautionary on account that somehow I have attained the reputation for playing a little rough. I don't know who is spreading this diatribe but let me remind whoever is--I am a Lab and playing "rough" is part of my charm!
On the subject of surgery, supposedly I'm having mine tomorrow and if I were aware I'd probably freak out. But since I have no idea I'm getting "fixed" this weekend I'll continue with my regular routine (eatin', sleepin' and fetchin').
Speaking of fetchin' I need to go find something for Matt to throw so I'll catch you doggies later.
C-Dog Out!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Jak and Charley

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More Eugene Pics

Puppy Hangover

Back from an exciting trip to see cousin JakDog and I'm still recovering. As hard as I tried, I just couldn't catch that little dog. All that time we played I neglected my nap schedule so now it's time to catch up on a little shut eye.
I'm so tired, I'll talk to you guys later.
Nighty Night,
Charley Dog

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Don't Tailgate Jake Plummer

I Know, I can't believe I'm this big either!

Not a lot of news on the home front. The baby gate has finally come down and I can roam freely around the house. I like to find a quiet spot in one of the back bedrooms and nap in the evening. Also, no more sleeping in the crate at night. Yeah, I'm a big girl now. I'm too heavy to get weighed at home now, but we're guessing nearly 55 pounds.
Heading down to Eugene this weekend to hang out with Caroline, Marc, and Jak. I hope cousin Jak is down for some rough house 'cause Elsie sure isn't.
I hope everybody workin' for the weekend gets there soon enough. I wouldn't know. Although I didn't get my morning nap one day this week and that was rough.
See ya later
Charley D.