And we are going to live next to the dog park! Literally! (And that is the proper use of literally for you sticklers). I can't wait. I plan on taking over the dog park as my own. And the Burke Gilman. Watch out--CharleyDog is coming!
I wasn't so excited about this cone... But I did get to go to the vet! Matt and Jennifer think that I purposely make myself sick so I can go visit the vet. This time all I had to do was get bacteria on my paws and start chewing them all the time. Note to self: getting bacteria paw is a much less painful way to get to the vet then eating all the sand and rocks that I did last time. I can't wait to go to the vet again... If anyone has suggestions of new illnesses or ailments let me know.
I'm a yellow Labrador Retriever. I love long rides in the car, the Pacific Ocean, UW Huskies, Ballard, Lake Washington, Puget Sound, Denver Broncos, and rockabilly music.