City Livin'

I always knew I was of urban ilk. Something about living in the country just didn't seem right. I know living next to Magnusson Park is about the coolest thing ever. I'm also back within range of KEXP. No more Friday nights without my beloved Shake the Shack.
So how have I been managing my time you ask? Well, swimming at least 4 days a week, 2 and a half hours of park time per day, and Wednesdays at Bone-a-Fide Dog Ranch. I'm sure you're thinking "wow what an exciting life you have Charley Dog, how do I get that kind of first class canine treatment at my house?" First off, yes I do lead quite the eventful life. Second, mischief must be calculated and controlled. For example, the first few days in our new place I decided to take my afternoon naps on the bed while Jennifer was at work and Matt was in class. When Matt returned he noticed my "statement" and conceded that I required more park time. When park or swimming time starts to diminish I'll repeat this action and perhaps push the envelope with a little dogbed chewing. I guarantee my play time will increase dramatically.
I hope all is well with my posse. I'll try to post gain soon.