So much has happened these past few months that my paws have been working overtime and not allowed me to sit down and update. So many visitors, crazy weather, and of course my time spent at the dog park have kept your favorite canine booked all winter. I even heard a trip to Cannon Beach is in the near future which means I'll have to get ready for some salt water swimming. I prefer Lake Washington, but I'm not one to pass up a chance for a swim.
Miss Eloise is doing great. I like to watch over her occasionally. We have talked about forming an alliance as the attention Matt & Jennifer dole out is now split between the two of us. Some kind of agreement will be necessary as not to force Eloise or I to go on strike.
Can't say enough good things about having my own yard. Finally, my own space to walk around and not feel rushed before doing my business. I highly recommend getting yourself one if you don't already have a yard.
That's all I have time for now. Hope to talk to you soon.