I chewed up another bed today! What did you accomplish? This is the 3rd bed I have professionally "destuffed" recently. I like to do it after my lunch walk. Jennifer comes home to walk me during her lunch break or Bridget (my fabulous dog walker) walks me at lunch and then after my walk I get a treat and go back into the bedroom and I destuff my bed. And then I wait for Jennifer to come home and let me out and make me sit on my destuffed bed while she takes a picture for me to post on this blog. I think it is a good routine. However, Jennifer is forcing me to ask my wonderful blog readers if they know of an indestructible dog bed? If you love me (dear innocent Charley Dog) then you will not tell her.
Well, you do take a great picture Charley!
7:00 AM
Kirstens parents bought me a lovely bed that is supposedly indestuctable because i too love to unstuff them. I have torn a little hole in it, but i couldn't get out the stuffing. I think i will have to try harder on this bed.
11:29 AM
Hey Charley,
We are Tonkinese if you pleeeez... and we gave Shakespeare a tough chew bed from Orvis just to challenge him and watch him go crazy: http://www.orvis.com/store/product_choice.asp?pf_id=10YTr&dir_id=1633&group_id=1634&cat_id=5996&subcat_id=7407
Misty & Meika
6:44 PM
Hi Charley,
I, too, have chewed up a couple beds in my time. In fact, I was the same age you are when I did it! See, great minds really do think alike. hehe!!
If your mom takes your bed away be sure to lay on the floor in the place where the bed usually is and put on your most pathetic face. I'm sure she won't be able to take it for long!!
Jak the dog
10:51 AM
Elsie says: Hang in there Cousin Charley. "No bed too big, too tough, too soft, to keep a good dog from chewing and destuffing". That's my motto. I LOVE destuffing. If they give me toys with no stuffing I just shake and destroy. Teeth are good. Keep up the good work. Edog
11:07 AM
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