I’m so glad my friend Hana could come for a visit last week. I reckon it’s been at least 50lbs. since I’ve seen her last. I hope to be a good dog like Hana when I’m all grown up. I don’t understand how she can ignore my jumping around and rough housin’ when she’s in the middle of a game of fetch. Hana’s an expert in the art of fetch. In the air; of the bounce; over the head; man, she’s got skills. I hope you and the folks have good road trip and make sure you make plenty of commotion when you see a good beach to stop at.
Keep the rubber side down, Charley
70lbs. of Love
That's right, I'm not ashamed to admit it. So what if I am only 9 months old and weigh 70 big ones. It's a healthy 70 pounds. I'm just big boned, honest. Stop staring.
Apparently I've got another 9 months of growing so watch out.
What's Labor?

Labor Day weekend has come and past so it’s time for everybody to get back into your old routines of work and school. To this I say Ha!! I don’t have the time, energy, or opposable thumbs for either, so wake me up when you get home and take me to the park.
I must say though, this has been my favorite summer of all time. Thinking of all the fun stuff I’ve done like learning to swim, catching Frisbees, and playing with my big sister and cousin JakDog is sometimes difficult because dogs don’t have the greatest of long term memories. But if I could remember all that stuff there might actually be something behind that perma-smile of mine.
Anyway, winter is not all gloom and doom. There are plenty of things to do in the rain or snow. Jumping in puddles, knocking over the neighbor kids’ snowman, and tracking dirt inside the house with my muddy paws are all things I’m looking forward to do in the coming months.
Special shout-outs go to cousin Jakdog who just turned 1 and Uncle Gene and Aunt Barb on their trip ‘cross country. Sorry ‘bout those Cougs Uncle Gene and cousin Hank, but I did hear them Huskies won.
Charley D.

Oh Oregon coast how I love thee, let me count the ways. We had to get out of Oly for a little R&R so we headed down to Cannon Beach for a few days. Skies were blue, wind was calm, and Frisbees were thrown ‘til bedtime. Sure was nice to have the beach to ourselves in the early morning and late evening too. I saw lots of other dogs having almost as much fun as me. Can’t wait to see cousin JakDog down there in November.