Sunday, January 28, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Oh. Still not ok?

Thursday, January 18, 2007
South Beach? Atkins? Grapefruit?

Nope! I exercised (walks, ball, wrestling) and ate the regular amount of my food (instead of eating cat food, cat poop, and other yummies) and I am back to my fabulously fit self! No more tubs here! I have asked Jennifer and Matt to call me "Flash," because I am so speedy, but it hasn't caught yet.
In these pictures I hope to show you my mad soccer or "football" skills (I am English so I call it football but I know most of you reading are American and I don't want to confuse you). My special techniques include running very fast after the ball, playing keep away from Matt or Jennifer, and chewing off the excess material covering the ball.
Monday, January 08, 2007

Jennifer and Matt went to Panama and Costa Rica and I went to Bothel. I stayed at Muffin and Sophie's house for the week. I don't know what Panama or Costa Rica are like but unless there were two dogs named Muffin and Sophie there, Bothel is way better. Muffin was very scared of me at first--he just stood behind Sophie shaking--but by the end of the week he worshiped me and followed me everywhere. And while Bothel was fun, and I was allowed to eat everything I wanted and more (hence my new nickname: "Tubs"), I am very glad to be home.